Prayer is an essential part of the challenge.  It is the quiet time that allows us to reflect on God, life and spirit.  It is not just a request line, it is communing with God.
Communal worship brings us among the body of Believers.  Together we rejoice and together we mourn as we encourage one another through song and the preached word.
How can you say you love me, who you have not seen, and not love your Brothers and Sisters that you see everyday.  There is no greater joy than making a neighbor smile.
Meet the Author
Dr. Virgil Woods
Thinking about how many people this challenge will help gets me excited.  Just like brushing your teeth, I pray you can develop daily spiritual habits that will enhance your walk and strengthen your faith.
Meet the Author
Dr. Virgil Woods
Thinking about how many people this challenge will help gets me excited.  Just like brushing your teeth, I pray you can develop daily spiritual habits that will enhance your walk and strengthen your faith.
What to Expect
This challenge is just that, a challenge.  It will not be easy at first as no new habit is.

In order to give you an idea of what you will be doing, here is a short list of the activities that make up the 30 Day God Challenge.

If you happen to miss something, don’t worry, keep pushing forward.  Remember, new habits don’t come easy.

Fight for it! You got this!

We will be praying three times daily.  You can select the times that work best for you, but it is important that we continue to commune with God through this transitional time.
Once a day you will be expected to simply thank God for something.  A positive outlook on life is the key to healthy spiritual living.  God is not a fan of ingratitude and we all have something to be thankful for.
Once a week, you will be asked to do something for a neighbor.  Avoid family and friends, that’s easy.  Instead, find strangers, acquaintances, enemies if you have what it takes.  The act need not be large, simple acts bring smiles and smiles go a long way.
Loving God means loving the people God loves, even the crazy ones… like you. LOL. Worship brings us together, excites our spirits and reminds us of the things God does and does not expect of us.  Get to church!
Though this book is not about giving, it is an important spiritual discipline.  If you are a tither, awesome, but the key here is more about consistent giving so the amount is less important than the frequency.  Our prayer is if you are not a tither, this will be a good step in the right direction.
Start the Challenge Now!
You are already saved but you are seeking more.  Make your next investment your best one by investing time into your faith walk.  You will not be disappointed.
Write Us
Feel free to write us if you have any question or would like to share your feedback.